We love saving money and saving the enviroment!
We have created a simple and affordable solution. Our bamboo turbines are built to save you or your company money. Why waste thousands purchasing solar panels when you can simply buy bamboo turbines for hundreds which will last just as long as other solutions? We have been building turbines for over 10 years and have lots of different options available depending on your budget and space available.
We love talking!
Want more details? Drop us a note.
Birmingham, UK
Phone: +44 7181747435
Email: mail@bambooturbine.com
Bamboo Turbines are affordable, easily installed and enviromentally friendly.
Your return on investment is guaranteed after 5 years - then it's all savings on your electricity bills! Like our cleaning company in Taunton
The technology is sweet and sound - you really are missing out not having these installed in your garden.